In PNG rugby League is the most favoured game. There is a big following in PNG, and it gets even worse when it comes to the State of Origin matches in Australia. Many people wonder why Papua New Guineans are so passionate about the game, if even when it's played in another country. But that is just one of many mysteries that makes PNG the land of the unexpected. You expect the unexpected when in PNG.
 This are the Social and Religious Studies Year 1 students of Divine Word University. In the course there many fun filled activities. These kids get to study counselling-all types, therapy, psychology, Hebrew scriptures, Business letter writing, The New Testament, and the History of the Israelitie people. Not only that, they get to go to Secondary school and do a litlle bit of teaching and Prison visits.

Bata stret, 2009 Paramad nambis. 

Iriee balas, in Madang......Madi auwo, Daru stap long way. 

Ol Mangi Diwai, olgeta samtin yah ol karim tu. 

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